
From 25k hours per year of design industry marketing


Are you an interior designer, architect, or other home professional wanting to update or recreate your website? If you have a vision for your website…


Houzz updated their pro directory search algorithm and by our carefully researched estimates, there are more losers than winners. Read on to discover what they…

Houzz Acquires Ivy

On February 6, 2018, the home improvement website Houzz acquired the studio management software startup Ivy. This acquisition and merger has caused ripples and, at…


After sidelining our own website for years, we finally decided to push it up the priority list and give ourselves the premium look that we’ve…

Insight Into Houzz Pro Advertising

Want to learn more about Houzz Optimization and Houzz Pro+? These pages are current: The latest article on Houzz Optimization vs Houzz Pro+ Advertising Houzz…

So Houzz Gave You An Award

‘Tis the season to get awards from Houzz. According to official estimates, Houzz has distributed one gazillion awards this year- and they are telling you…